Concerned about the cost of janitorial and cleaning services for your business in Portland? When you outsource your commercial cleaning instead of keeping it in-house, you actually save a substantial amount of time, money and energy. Hiring an in-house cleaning team means you are dealing with: - Employee costs - Training costs - Uniform costs - Missed cleanings if your employee calls out - Missed cleanings when your employees take time off - Equipment and cleaning products costs for commercial grade cleaning When you hire Atlas Facilities Maintenance, you save yourself the expense and stress of employing your own cleaning crew and quite literally, running an additional cleaning business. Instead, you can pay an affordable rate and enjoy all the benefits of a highly skilled team of cleaning experts who come prepared to get the job done. Our employees are hand-picked for not only their cleaning skills, but also reliability and dependability. Atlas Facilities Maintenance works with educational institutions, government buildings, medical facilities and office buildings that rely on our rigorous training and highly-skilled staff, so you can trust that the individuals in your building are highly-skilled and prepared. Even if one of our cleaning professionals is unable to come to work, we are able to send another team to your business in Portland so you never miss a cleaning. You’ll also never lose time due to equipment failure and more likely than not, you will receive a significantly better quality of cleaning due to the fact that it’s the nature of our business. Atlas Facilities Maintenance also offers additional services that complement your building such as; landscape maintenance, mechanical repairs, carpet and hard floor care. Of course, outsourcing on it’s own is not a one and done solution for fixing all the problems that come with maintaining office and building facilities, and outsourcing these needs does not guarantee that the janitorial services you will receive will be professional, responsive or competent. However, choosing the right Portland commercial cleaning company can be a great way to protect your businesses’ reputation, reduce operational costs and improve energy and waste efficiency by taking advantage of all the cleaning and maintenance solutions that you are offered.
Atlas Facilities Maintenance is a trusted company among USPS, AT&T, City of Sherwood and St. Mary’s Academy, just to name a few. In 2020, we were also voted as one of the best office cleaning companies in Portland by Experian. This, in addition to the benefits you receive for outsourcing your cleaning needs is why we want to work with you. We offer reasonable prices, and we tailor our services and scheduling needs according to your requirements. Fill out the form below to receive a free estimate and see how we can make your office, medical facility or commercial space cleaner, healthier and more productive.